Ready to Receive

I have put this off, for really close to a year. I would be lying if I didn’t say my stomach hurt a little and my hands are a little shaky. Not sure why really when I will post anything and everything on Facebook without a care in the world. This is a thought I will need to ponder later. What I have come to understand is the many reasons I have put off writing my first blog post.

1. I am not a writer, not by trade. No training and mistakes WILL be made.

2. I clearly have a learning curve. I mean who is going to read this anyway? Not to mention I post my real world life all over social media and that is certainly met with many eye rolls, won’t this be more of the same?

3. Not to mention, do I really have time to add one more thing to my plate? This blog thing? What purpose does it even serve?

4. And there is of course this…..won’t this just be judged by all the “judgy’ people anyway? (I know its not a real word.) I mean its open and transparent and really no mincing of words. Plus, I don’t have a platform. Its not focused on any one topic. I have learned that not many people are a fan of tell all!

But then this morning happened. Just a Thursday morning, nothing out of the ordinary. Except this epiphany, many “things” happened and it just all came together. They all connect, for me anyway.

  1. I was relocating my vision board. Yes, I am one of “those” vision board people(this is one of my many new things.) On my board I have a print out that says “Stop being a writer that doesn’t write.” I stared at it for a minute……got me thinking.
  2. Next, I thought about a post I did on my Facebook page last night about Fear of What Others Think, Fear of Being Judged by Others and often times even worse, Fear of Failure. My next point will explain what made me think of my post.
  3. This morning while eating her cinnamon toast, my 8 year old daughter  says to me that she thinks she should quit gymnastics “because  she is never going to make it to the advanced level.” Hello, Fear of Failure? We had a terrific  conversation about how powerful your words are that you ‘put into the universe.” It is a goal of mine for her to believe she can do anything she chooses to do in her lifetime
  4. And tonight, I have plans to meet my very 1st beloved mentor  in my past career. I haven’t seen her in years and have been looking forward to tonight all week. And, guess what? She is an English major, with amazing and inspiring writing skills. Back in the day I would hang on her every word and hope to be able to write just like her!
  5. Then this…….yesterday, I spent some time on that spiritual side of my life that I am working to grow and understand. Yes, also very new for me. These words here, I read them yesterday and they all came full circle for me this morning.  “God wouldn’t have given you the dream unless He already had a way to bring it to pass. You have to be ready to receive. God has a Barn Load of blessings stored up for you.”

So here I am, tying it all together and just going for it! The dreams, the vision board, the fear of writing because it won’t be good enough, my daughter speaking to EXACTLY what I posted about last night and my plans tonight to spend time with someones writing skills I so admire. There are NO coincidences. God, The Universe, our thoughts, our words, our actions……they create our world. I for one am ready to receive. And here I am. That 1st blog, its in the books. For better or worse(no pun intended) its here and done. No I don’t have a plan, a schedule, a platform and yes I will likely be all over the board. But I did it. For me. I let go of that FEAR and did it. Push fear to the side and go get what you want. Love to you all!

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Single Mom of 4 kids and 1 crazy puppy. Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Friend. Warrior. Learning . Growing. Manifesting. Empowering like minded women focused on growing and creating the life we want and deserve. We can all start over and find happiness in doing so.

9 thoughts on “Ready to Receive”

  1. Congrats on your blog debut! Way to step out in faith. Also, tell Brooke that Aunt D says you can participate in gymnastics for the pure love of it! You don’t have to progress to the most advance level to continue to love it, make progress and grow important skills and qualities! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I was actually thinking in my head, “ how does she find time to add more to her plate, then I read #3.

    💕congrats to you!!!

    Ps. Brooke WILL make it to advanced!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Michelle,
    I’ve known you for 38 years. Eventhough we lived miles apart, when we saw each other we’ve always been able to pick right up where we left off & share many laughs! However, the past two years have been the most rewarding watching you be raw, authentic, genuine, passionately lead your children, & your R&F team. They say your reaction to adversity says more about you than the trial, and the way you have peeled each layer back openly on FB has made me love you deeply! You are STRONG! You are FIERCE! You are DRIVEN! You are loveable! Quite frankly you have found yourself and I like it!! You have not let the dissolution of your marriage define you! I personally would’ve wallered in pity for a long time. But you’ve inspired me to keep on keepin’ on in my day yo day life! I’m really proud of you sister! I love you!

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